Tue, 10 Jun 2008

40 day bicycle only challenge successfully complete

Yesterday, I got behind the wheel of a car for the first time in 40 days. I drove to the airport to meet Jenny on her return from Switzerland and bring her home.

In Switzerland, 40 days without a car would not even be worth a mention. It’s a popular mode of transportation for all ages.

Bicycles in Switzerland

It was an interesting 40 days. There were many rainy days, but I only rode in a downpour once. The weather forecasters got it horribly wrong, that day. “Rain after 11 AM,” they said. So, I jumped on the bike and headed out to do my errands early. At about 9:30, 6 miles from home, the rain came.

Even that wasn’t a horrible experience. It’s good to ride in the rain once in awhile.

The funniest bike trip was to fetch gas for the lawn mower.

Gas Transport

It was a very enjoyable experience and I intend to continue using the bike instead of the car whenever possible.

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