Tue, 26 Oct 2004

Strange web searches

Some time ago I wrote a small perl script I call googled. It lists the search terms used to find my weblog by analyzing the Apache log files. The strangest search to date:

skinny maries body found behind the blue banana

My weblog happened to have several of these words in different entries. Obviously, the user didn’t find what she was looking for here. Curious, I did some web searching to see if I could discover the target of her search. All I discovered is that a Skinny Mary and a Blue Banana are both drinks. Having looked at the ingredients, I suppose if consumed together in a body may indeed be found.

[/internet] [link]

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This site is the personal weblog of Marc Mims. You can contact Marc by sending e-mail to:
[email protected].

Marc writes here about cycling, programming, Linux, and other items of personal interest.

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