Sun, 08 Feb 2004


I've been doing a bit of bio-tech experimentation recently. No—not bio-weapons development (at least I hope not!). I read an interesting article in the January/February issue of Adventure Cyclist. According to The Cyclists' Kitchen column, titled Winter Weight Gain:

A growing body of evidence indicates that consuming calcium-rich dairy foods three to four times a day equals burning about one hundred more calories of body fat per day—or about ten pounds of fat per year.

Of course, you can't add the dairy products to your diet—you have to replace existing calories with the dairy products. Yogurt is recommended.

I love yogurt. Dad went on a diet years ago and lost an incredible amount of weight. One of his primary foods was yogurt. He made it himself.

So, armed with some motivation go give it a try, I did a bit of Internet research. There's plenty of information. The first hit on Google was an article at Doing Freedom, a site where you can learn not only how to make yogurt, but how to make an RPG.

I simplified the recipe. I bought several small, reusable plastic containers that hold just over a cup and a couple quart sized containers. I sterilize the containers and utensils, bring one-gallon of two-percent milk just to boiling. Then I remove it from the heat, cool it quickly in a water bath to 110 degrees. I stir in three or four table spoons of yogurt saved from the last batch, then pour it into the containers.

The first time I made yogurt, I didn't trust the oven to keep the 100 to 110 degree temperature required, so I used a picnic cooler and surrounded the yogurt containers with bottles of hot water. It worked great! I've since used the oven and found the old beast does keep the temperature I need.

Now, as long as I'm growing Lactobacillus and not E. coli I should be okay.

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